About the Authors

Hello from Dr. Julia Andre and Sitara Samtani! We are passionate mental health professionals who specialise in trauma support.

In practice, Julia works intensively with adults and their inner child who have experiences and memories that are carried into their adult life. Whereas Sitara works with children developing experiences and memories that will shape how they experience the world as adults. In therapy, we both use metaphors and storytelling to help our clients listen to the healthy version of themselves and care for their needs.

Combining it all, we thought, why not put it together in a book!

Our mission is to foster an understanding of every individuals emotional needs, because when emotional needs are missing we are at risk of developing omission trauma.

What is omission trauma?

It is a form of psychological trauma that arises when a person’s basic physical and emotional needs are not adequately met, often due to the failure of caregivers or parents to provide essential care, support, or attention.

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