Using this book as a ‘grown up’


As adults, we often find ourselves juggling a multitude of responsibilities and priorities. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to pay attention to our own emotional well-being. That's where the Emotional Needs Book can become a powerful tool in your journey towards self-discovery and emotional healing.

Let’s explore how you can use this valuable resource as an adult to reconnect with your inner child.


1. Understand Your Core Childhood Emotional Needs

The Emotional Needs Book serves as a guide to understanding and addressing your core childhood emotional needs. It provides a framework for recognizing the basic emotional requirements that every child needs for healthy development. As an adult, you can use this resource to reflect on your upbringing and identify which emotional needs may have been unmet during your childhood. Once you've identified these core emotional needs, you can begin to explore how they might be affecting your present-day relationships and well-being. Understanding these needs can be a powerful step toward healing and personal growth.

2. Listen to Your Inner Child

One of the fundamental concepts behind the Emotional Needs Book is the idea that our emotional needs as adults are closely tied to our experiences and unmet needs from childhood. To use this book effectively, it's essential to take the time to listen to your inner child. This means tuning into your feelings and memories from your formative years and acknowledging the emotions that might still be affecting you today. This can be a difficult task to do, if you don’t think you are ready to do so, or to do it by yourself - don’t do it alone and try this with a professional. 

Find a quiet and comfortable space, and take a few moments to reflect on your childhood. What were your experiences, both positive and negative? What emotions do those memories evoke? By listening to your inner child, you can begin to identify unmet emotional needs that may still be influencing your life as an adult.

3. Use the Book with Your Therapist

Working with a therapist can be an incredibly effective way to address and heal the emotional wounds from your past. The Emotional Needs Book can be a valuable tool to use in therapy sessions, particularly when discussing childhood memories. Here are some ways to utilize the book during therapy:

  • Highlight Missing Needs: Share your understanding of your core childhood emotional needs with your therapist. They can help you explore these needs further and work with you to develop strategies for meeting them in healthier ways as an adult.

  • Experiential Techniques: Therapy often involves experiential techniques that help you process emotions and create positive change. The book can serve as a reference point during these exercises, enabling you to focus on the emotional needs you identified.

  • Imagery Rescripting: One experiential technique is imagery rescriprting. Therapist trained in this, such as those practicing Schema Therapy, can help you reimagine and reframe negative childhood memories. Your therapist can use this experiential technique to help take care of the missing need in the memory, and help you heal and grow.

4. Supporting Your Own Children 

As adults, we not only have the opportunity to heal our own emotional wounds but also to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for children. If you don’t have a child, send this book to someone who does! The Emotional Needs Book can be a valuable resource for understanding your child's emotional needs and learning how to support them effectively.

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the emotional needs outlined in the book and observe how your child expresses these needs. By doing so, you can foster a healthy and secure emotional environment for your children, which can have a profound impact on their development and well-being.

Read this book aloud with them, and provide them the language and understanding of their own needs to identify what they need, and help them meet those needs.


The Emotional Needs Book is a powerful tool for adults seeking to reconnect with their inner child, understand their core childhood emotional needs, and work towards emotional healing and personal growth. Whether you use it as a personal resource or in conjunction with therapy, this book can be a stepping stone toward a more fulfilling and emotionally balanced life. Furthermore, by applying the insights from the book to support your own children, you can contribute to their emotional well-being and help them thrive in a nurturing environment. Remember that it's never too late to address your emotional needs and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.


Exploring “Emotional Needs” in the classroom


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